Internal Medicine Services Available
Internal Medicine Specialists are doctors that work to diagnose, treat. and manage a wide range of conditions and diseases in our small animal pets. Unusual symptoms, lack of response to traditional therapies, or a combination of two or more issues are just a few reasons that your regular veterinarian may recommend an internal medicine referral. Dr. Carrie Goldkamp VMD, DACVIM and Dr. Eric Walsh DVM, DACVIM have clinical expertise and advanced knowledge of a wide range of conditions that may be affecting your pet. Those include:
- Endocrine Diseases (Cushings, Addisons, Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, )
- Gastrointestinal Diseases (vomiting. diarrhea, unexplained weight loss or gain, )
- Immune-mediateddiseases
- Infectious Diseases
- Kidney Disease
- Liver Disease
- Respiratory Disease
- Unexplained fever
- Balloon Dilation (Le. esophageal strictures)
- Bronchoscopy
- Bone Marrow Aspirates
- Colonosocpy
- Cystosocpy
- Endoscopic biopsies
- Endoscopic Foreign Body removal
- Feeding Tube Placement
- Joint Taps
- Rhinoscopy
- Tracheal Wash
Referral Form:
Online Referral Form Downloadable Referral Form
Internal Medicine Recheck Questionnaire:
Medication Refill Requests:
Examination Fees:
The normal initial examination with the Internal Medicine department is $240.00. After the initial examination, our doctors will prepare a written estimate for any testing, treatment or medications.